I was quoted for 3 Village Patch by Christine Sampson
Here is the article that my quote was in!Article by Christine SampsonNew York State's new leader called for a property tax cap, a competitive grant system for education funding, changes to the Medicare system, more transparency in Albany and other sweeping reforms in...
Regional Planning Council Can Do Better
Here is the original, unedited letter I sent to Newsday on December 14th, 2010:My name is Rich Murdocco, and I writing about the December 7th article you wrote entitled "Group Reviews 25-year plan for LI's Future". I have some questions that I wish the otherwise very...
Proposal for Hotel on Stony Brook Campus is Flawed
As seen on Three Village Patch on October 21st, 2010 When President Stanley came into his leadership position at Stony Brook University, he decided to jump head first into the fight to build a hotel on campus. The battle for an on-campus hotel has been raging since...
Starting Over…Again
As seen on Port Jefferson Patch.com October 14th, 2010: The Village of Port Jefferson is currently drafting a comprehensive plan for the area, with the goal to reduce congestion, control areas of growth and improve quality of life. However, the problem is that three...
Route 347 Continues its Ebb and Flow
As published in the October 7th Edition of North Shore Newspapers: The history of the much loathed Route 347 is both fascinating and near tragic. Once slated as a limited access route to serve Brookhaven as a diagonal Southwest/ Northeast route, the road became...
Redevelopment ‘comprehensive plans’ mislead the public
The following was an op-ed that was published in Times Beacon Record Newspapers on June 10th, 2010. Long Islanders are being sold a false bill of goods. We are being promised by each village, town and county “comprehensive” plans that aim to transform suburbia into...