Published Work

Building As-of-Right

There seems to be a development controversy being covered in the newspaper every other day now. The coverage of these hearings essentially goes as follows: Residents Raise Concern over Proposal in Anytown Residents from Anytown voiced their concerns at a Town Hall...

The Age of the Mega-Project

The Age of the Mega-Project The times, they are a’ changing. Long-stalled projects within the Town of Islip (and across Long Island) are getting new life thanks to pro-growth government incentives, focused implementation and the perceived growing acceptance of...


A business that is responsive to the changing climate is one that survives, and Long Island’s developers are no exception to this basic building tenant. When the recession hit and real estate activity ground to a halt, the builders faced a multifaceted dilemma. Do we...

The Cost of Housing

The following was written for LIBN's Young Island: Just when you think you’re out, they pull you back in. This week’s piece was going to be on an issue other than affordable housing and the brain drain on Long Island (such as the apparent demolition of Inisfada and...
