The following was written in solidarity with hundreds of local, regional, and national publications.

The Foggiest Idea Inc. was founded on the belief that complex real estate development issues – both regional and local – are to be made approachable to the general public. Through teaching, lectures, and award-winning reported/analytical work, TFI has been built upon the principles of the first amendment. This work is directly supported by not only Long Island’s local journalists, but those who staff both regional and national publications as well.

In recent months, claims that the hard working individuals who keep our citizenry informed are “enemies of the people” and the “opposition party” are not only alarming, but run counter to the democratic ideals this nation was founded upon.

At a time when elected officials dismiss news they simply disagree with as “fake” and ever-increasing political polarization further entrenches partisan leanings, it is critical that the citizenry both uphold and defend the fundamental notion of a free press that has helped our society thrive.

A free press is not only critical to tracking the market dynamics of the real estate sector, but holding the elected officials who shape your community accountable. Be sure to support your local publications – they are the lifeblood of a free and prosperous society.

Richard Murdocco,
The Foggiest Idea